You are currently viewing Dr. Lorho S Pfoze, Hon’ble Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) in YVA Assembly cum Awllen festival hawn na nei ding

Dr. Lorho S Pfoze, Hon’ble Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) in YVA Assembly cum Awllen festival hawn na nei ding


24th Feb 2023 | Get in Lamka

A hung tung ding 27th & 28th Feb 2023 ah YVA cum Awllen Festival , Vaiphei tribe  ding a Cultural festival-Post Harvest festival of the Vaiphei, thupi tak ah  mat ding lem sak ahi dung zui in, Programme chu zia anuai agual ah hin siam fel ahi atai. Zia hun ahin Miss Awllen kitelna le um ding ahi. 

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